A slip and fall accident can cause various types of injuries, from very fast recovering ones to debilitating ones. In addition to the actual pain inflicted by the injuries, the victim also has to deal with medical bills, missing work hours and other issues. And, for those reasons, it’s necessary to make a claim for compensation if the accident was caused by someone else’s negligence. If you have suffered a slip and fall accident at work, in a restaurant or even on public property, here are the 7 steps to take following the incident:
  1. Report the Accident as Soon As You Can
Report your accident to your superior or the business manager as soon as you get the chance, and make it in writing. Also, if your injuries are serious, call the police and get the police report from the intervention. This will weigh quite a lot in your case.
  1. Go to the Doctor as Early as Possible
One of the first things you must do after a slip and fall accident is to be evaluated by a doctor. Even if you think your injuries are minor and you can just get through them with some rest, only a doctor can tell if there is an underlying issue or hidden injury that might turn worse in time. Gather all medical reports and add copies to your case file.
  1. Hire a Personal Injury Attorney
Hiring a personal injury attorney is very likely to make the difference between getting compensation for your damage and having to spend all that money yourself. If you are worried that you can’t afford a lawyer, search for firms that offer free consultations and ask for a financing option. Some lawyers will get paid when you get the settlement money – so they only get paid if they win your case.
  1. Gather Evidence like Photographs
Immediately after the accident, remember to take a few photos of the scene, your injuries, and any other relevant details that you think might come into the discussion later.
  1. Talk to Any Witness That Might Contribute to the Case
If there are witnesses, do your best to get their contact numbers and ask them to give statements in your case. You might not persuade every one of them to do so, but having a chance to contact them could help in case of police intervention, etc.
  1. Don’t Talk about Your Case Until It’s Finished
Even if you have a lot to say about what you have suffered, stay away from social media and don’t discuss details of your case with anyone besides close ones, in the privacy of your homes.
  1. Negotiate a Fair Settlement
Accident victims are often given a quick settlement amount by the insurance companies because they hope that a fast money opportunity will make the victim sign the release form. Always reject the first offer and ask for what you believe would be fair instead. Your premises liability lawyer will help you see all the costs that you could face in the short and long term, and settle the right amount for your injuries, pain, and suffering.

Have You Been in an Accident?

If you or a loved one has experienced a slip and fall accident, don't navigate the legal process alone. Call Pope Law today and let us fight for the compensation you deserve.

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